Monday, November 11, 2019

How did your child do at the Jog-A-Thon?

Find out by logging into your account at and viewing the laps recorded. You can also print out a Certificate of Achievement to present to your superstar runner.

Thank you parents, volunteers, and students for participating in the Jog-A-Thon!

But wait! It's not over yet. We are taking pledges until Friday Nov. 15th, and we have not met our fundraising goal yet!

Just at our last PTA meeting, we released $13,500 in funds to the school to cover field trips. With our student population, that's only a little over $15 per student, which just pays for the buses. This would not cover admissions fees and other costs.

This year, PTA also bought 15 canopies for the teachers for use at events such as the Fall Carnival. Later this month, PTA is bringing 4 performances of Robin Hood to the school. Remember last year's fun, interactive, and engaging science assembly? We hope to introduce kids to the broad spectrum of arts and sciences through special assemblies.

PTA also pays for programs such as the Rockstar Student awards, the Good Guys Program, Reading Railroad, and the ROCK program. The other big budget item approved by you at the beginning of the year also allocated about $13 per student for classroom supplies, which gives the teachers additional money to buy books and necessary supplies for the classrooms beyond the school district's small budget and parent donations. Haven't you spent more than $13 in school supplies for your child already?

$45K sounds like a lot of money, but we are a big (and still growing) school and the school district simply does not pay for these "non-essential" programs and needs. Let's continue to enhance our children's educational experiences.

We have only raised about 75% of our fundraising goal. The PTA Jog-A-Thon committee has raised almost $5000 in business sponsorships and grants, and that's not including our individual fundraising.

Would you help and give an additional small donation of $5 to help ALL of us get to our goal? Our kids will thank us for it.